Welcome to The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) - your gateway to management training and education opportunities and information on the latest management issues in Hong Kong, Mainland China and around the world.
Established in 1960, the Association is a professional organization which has effectively served the management education and training needs of the business community in Hong Kong and the region for over five decades. With a membership close to 12,000 individual executives and corporations, the Association organizes more than 2,000 programmes and management activities for approximately 48,000 participants annually.
Mainstream education does not provide recognition for prior learning nor pathways for those who had left school for several years but have considerable practical experience and professional attainment in their own right. The Association has achieved considerable market recognition by fully acknowledging and recognizing such prior learning. Over the years, we have been offering certificate, diploma and degree programmes as an alternative route for business executives, who can comfortably study higher level programmes in their area of specialization without having to go through junior level qualifications.
Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motors once said, "If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right."
Learning is never an easy task. The challenge multiplies as you are a working executive whom your organisation counts on for a handful of demanding projects. The demand for your time and energy escalates when you have to take care of your immediate family members, your loved ones, and so on. Yet, after you have pondered over Ford's remarks, you would be in a good position to make a sound decision for yourself.
I also would like to introduce to you our newly established AMD, the HKMA Institute of Advanced Management Development, which offers advanced management programmes in the form of senior executive development and consulting services with a view to making significant contribution to the human capital growth of Hong Kong and its nearby Region, and living up to the mission and vision of HKMA. We are pleased to have brought in programmes from a number of worldclass, top-tier, renowned business schools and we look forwad to introducing more reputable partners and cutting edge programmes in the near future.
Victor S K Lee, PhD (London), MSt (Cambridge), FRSA
Executive Director