Press Releases

HKMA`s Unique Award for Excellence in Training Now Open for Applications !


"The past 12 months have been turbulent and challenging. Fortunately the worst is over and recovery is rapidly taking place. Whilst there is no data to back this up, it is highly likely that those companies that maintained the skills and morale of their staff have recovered fastest whilst those who trampled on the feelings and needs of their staff, now find they no longer have the skills or commitment needed to achieve rapid recovery," according to Mr Patrick Maule, Chairman of the Human Resources Development Management Committee of The Hong Kong Management Association.
"Research around the world however, has clearly demonstrated that investment in people contributes significantly to business success and nothing more so than the time spent selecting best people and training them with both immediate skills needed for the job as well as longer term personal development.

"If we in Hong Kong is to improve our competitive position as economies recover throughout Asia we must ensure we get the very best out of our relatively expensive workforce hence the need to continue to invest in them, train them and motivate them." said Mr Maule.

The Award for Excellence in Training has been instituted eleven years ago by the Human Resources Development Management Committee of the Association. It is the only Award of its kind in the Territory giving public recognition of training achievements to companies and human resource professionals.

The deadline for entries this year is 21 February.

Selection of winners is based on a simple but comprehensive judging process which includes shortlisting interview, written submission and final presentation seminar.

At the shortlisting interview, all participating companies will give a simple verbal presentation (either in English or Cantonese) of the training they have given, covering the content and the implementation only, to a Board of Examiners comprising members of the Human Resources Development Management Committee and consultants from the Association. Shortlisted entries will be invited to submit a five-page summary of their training programmes. The best six entries will be selected for the final presentation seminar which is a half-day experience- sharing seminar open to all executives. The six finalists will deliver a presentation before the Panel of Adjudicators who will then decide the winners of the Award. First, Second and Third place winners will be awarded the Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes, while the remaining three will receive Certificates of Merit. In addition, two special Awards, Panda-Recruit Most Innovative Award and The Best Presentation Award will be granted. All winners will be presented with trophies or certificates during the annual Susan Yuen Memorial Lecture and Dinner which is one of the most important events in the Association`s calendar.

In fact, participating in the Award has been beneficial to both the companies and the HRD professionals and trainers. In addition to an excellent opportunity for publicity for the winning companies, the Award offers HRD professionals and trainers the opportunity to have their efforts better recognized by their organizations, peer professionals and the community. Moreover, the Award provides additional motivation to HRD and training professionals to extend their efforts.

The Award this year is proudly sponsored by the following companies:
Winner Sponsor
Standard Chartered Bank

Media Sponsor

CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd
DHL Worldwide Express
The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation
Marks and Spencer (Hong Kong) Ltd

For details, please contact The Hong Kong Management Association by phone on 2526 6516 (Ms Titania Woo/Ms Sunnie Ma) or by fax on 2868 4387.

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Issued by The Hong Kong Management Association on 11 January 2001
For press enquiries, please contact Ms Titania Woo/Ms Cecilia Wong on 2526 6516/ 7392 3505.