Press Releases

Seminar on "Leveraging the Romance of Leadership: What Every Leader Should Know" by Professor Jay Conger


Seminar on "Leveraging the Romance of Leadership: What Every Leader
Should Know" by Professor Jay Conger

Every manager and executive sits in a spotlight. It is called 'the romance of leadership'. It means that your actions and words have a far greater significance than you imagine. Psychological research has documented this phenomenon and found that it has to do with basic human nature - the need to feel that someone is in charge. The good news about this spotlight is that we can use it to lead our employees. The bad news is that most managers and executives are unaware of its presence and intensity. In fact, the best leaders should be deeply aware of the romance and leveraging its power to get things done.

Presented by the Hong Kong Management Association, a one-day seminar on "Leveraging the Romance of Leadership: What Every Leader Should Know" will be held on Monday, 9 July 2001 at the Jade Ballroom of the Furama Hotel.

The Association is most honoured to have a world top educator and management guru, Professor Jay Conger, to be the guest speaker. Professor Jay Conger is the Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the London Business School and Senior Research Scientist at the Centre for Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Formerly, the Executive Director of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California, Jay Conger is one of the world's experts on leadership. An outstanding teacher, he has been selected by Business Week as the best business school professor to teach leadership to executives. The Financial Times recently named him one of the World's Top Educators. In 2001, he was awarded by the Centre for Creative Leadership their prestigious H. Smith Richardson Fellowship for his research on leadership.

In recognition of his work on leadership education, Professor Conger was invited to join the Harvard Business School to assist in their redesign of the school's organizational behaviour course around leadership issues. In addition, he has been actively involved in executive education at INSEAD, a European business school located in France. While a professor at McGill University in Montreal, he received on two occasions McGill's Distinguished Teaching Award. He has received the highest teacher ratings in USC's first year MBA programme.

Outside of his work with universities, he consults with a worldwide list of private corporations and non-profit organizations. He is also a popular speaker and frequent guest on radio and television programmes.

The "Leveraging the Romance of Leadership: What Every Leader Should Know" seminar is targeted at senior and middle-level executives and managers who intend to further develop their leadership skills. The enrolment deadline will be Wednesday, 4 July 2001. For information on the seminar, please contact Ms Christine Choy on 2774 8552. You may also visit the website of the Association:

Issued by The Hong Kong Management Association on 21 June 2001

For press enquiries, please contact Ms Titania Woo or Ms Sunnie Ma
on 2526 6516/7392 3505.