Press Releases

The Chartered Institute of Marketing Endorses and Supports
the HKMA/TVB Awards for Marketing Excellence 2005


For the past 20 years, the HKMA/TVB Award for Marketing Excellence, organized by The Hong Kong Management Association and sponsored by the Television Broadcasts Ltd, has recognized the best marketing campaigns in Hong Kong and the companies behind them. This year, the Award has expanded to include a new Individual Award category to recognize the outstanding achievement of marketers who have made significant contribution to the marketing development of their companies or clients as well as the business community. The new awards include

- The Marketer of the Year Award (The winner will be selected among the Distinguished Marketer Awardees
- The Distinguished Marketer Awards
- The Outstanding Young Marketing Professional Awards – NEW

The Awards have received the support and endorsement of The Chartered Institute of Marketing, CIM, the world`s leading professional body for marketers with 55,000 members in 130 countries, who will be the title sponsor of the "CIM Marketer of the Year Award".

"The Chartered Institute of Marketing is honoured to be the title sponsor of the CIM Marketer of the Year Award to recognise the marketing achievement of an individual. We wish to congratulate HKMA and TVB for organizing this meaningful and distinguished Marketing Excellence Awards campaign so successfully for the past 19 years. As the President of the world`s leading institute for professional marketers, I am pleased that CIM is associated with these two organizations in promoting marketing in Hong Kong. CIM will encourage its members, especially Chartered Marketers, to support this campaign." said The Rt. Hon. Lord Michael Heseltine, President, The Chartered Institute of Marketing.

These Individual Awards, under the overall HKMA/TVB Awards for Marketing Excellence, are the first of their kind to be granted by The Hong Kong Management Association. Just like the traditional campaign awards, it is believed that these Individual Awards will become the most prestigious form of personal recognition for marketers of various levels in Hong Kong.

All entrants need their company`s nomination to enter the Judging Process. Each nominee will be invited to submit a four-page write-up explaining their achievements in marketing together with a one-page summary of their personal information. Shortlisted candidates will attend a Final Judging to be held on Thursday, 15 September 2005. At this judging session, the Board of Examiners will determine the winners of the CIM Marketer of the Year, the Distinguished Marketer Awards and the Outstanding Young Marketing Professional Awards. All winners (including Individual Awards and Campaign Awards) will be announced at a Prize Presentation Ceremony to be held on Thursday, 13 October 2005.

The Individual Awards are now open for nomination and the deadline is Monday, 27 June 2005.

For further enquiries, please feel free to contact Ms Titania Woo, Manager (Tel: 2774 8580 / E-mail: or Ms Sunnie Ma, Senior Executive Officer (Tel: 2774 8579 / E-mail: You may also visit the website of the Association:

The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
Based in the United Kingdom, the CIM is the world`s leading professional body for marketers with 55,000 members in 130 countries. The current President of CIM is Lord Michael Heseltine, Chairman of Haymarket Group.

The HKMA/TVB Awards for Marketing Excellence
Organized by the Hong Kong Management Association since 1985 and sponsored by the Television Broadcasts Ltd since 1989, the annual HKMA/TVB Award for Marketing Excellence bestows honour and public recognition on individuals and organizations that have, through outstanding marketing programmes, broken barriers and raised the standards of the marketing profession in Hong Kong.

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Issued by The Hong Kong Management Association on 8 July 2005.
For press enquiries, please contact Ms Titania Woo, Manager (Tel: 2774 8580 / 9094 2960 / Email: or Ms Sunnie Ma, Senior Executive Officer (Tel: 2774 8579 / Email: or Mr Simon Chung, Executive Officer (Tel: 2774 8581 / Email: